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Learn more about Dr. Jack Wheeler and To The Point

Dr. Jack Wheeler’s

The Oasis for Rational Conservatives

The Oasis for Rational Conservatives
The Pro-America, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Western Civilization
Intellectual Ammunition for Defenders of Liberty


To The Point™ News was founded in March 2003 to bring you news and information, as well as insightful editorial content from our Editor-in-Chief, authors and contributing authors.

We provide you with original content that you will not find elsewhere. You also get “curated-content” from credible sources and it is consistently reference-checked. This brings you far greater reliability in this age of rampant “fake news,” as well as opinion often misrepresented as “fact” by many media sources.

To The Point™ brings you distilled information critical to your life and your understanding of the world. Our Members consistently report that To The Point™ brings them increased clarity and deeper understanding to the dynamic situations we face today as Americans.

When you become a member of To The Point™, you’ll join a special group of people – patriotic Americans who love their country and who share deep values.

Our Membership allows Members to have many benefits as you will see. As a TTP member, you’ll gain full access to the To The Point™ web portal with hundreds of articles providing value and insight. Weekdays, you receive articles, with a Friday email summarizing the latest articles in the weekly Half-Full Report.

The bottom line is that To The Point™ brings you distilled information – critical to your life…and your understanding of the world.




About Dr. Jack Wheeler

The Wall Street Journal called him “the originator of the Reagan Doctrine“. The Washington Post called him “The Indiana Jones of the Right.’’

He felt complimented in the 1980’s when Izvestiya, the newspaper of the Soviet Communist Party, called him an “ideological gangster”.

“Dr. Jack” predicted the collapse of the former Soviet Union, ten years before it came about – and explained exactly how it would take place. He won a bet with a top-expert in D.C. when the Berlin Wall fell. As events unfold, long-time readers frequently write in and remind us that they read it first years ago in To The Point™

Did we mention that Jack Wheeler once defeated Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in arm wrestling – and Putin’s KGB bodyguard! Jack Wheeler is quite possibly the most fascinating individual you have ever known. His biography is like out of a movie — and as matter of fact, Sylvester Stallone once made an offer to buy the movie rights to Jack Wheeler’s life story.

One of the best ways to learn about him is to read his moving essay “What Life Is All About” on the TTP site (in the “Classics” section of the right side bar). Be prepared, however, as it moves many people to tears.

Now he can be your “personal source” for understanding what’s really going on in the world.

Dr. Jack Wheeler gives you mind-stretching pro-America insights on our lives, our politics, and our world that you aren’t going to get elsewhere.


What People say about Jack Wheeler

Jack Wheeler is just about the most interesting man I know. As a professional adventurer, he has discovered lost tribes and led expeditions to every corner of the globe. As a geopolitical strategist, he created the Reagan Doctrine, which led to the demise of the Soviet Union. He is a brilliantly original thinker and deeply perceptive analyst of world events. I value his counsel and friendship.”
–Dana Rohrabacher, Retired U.S. Congressman, former Speechwriter to President Reagan

Here is what author Richard Poe has to say about Jack:

“An Explorer, Soldier and Scholar, Wheeler seems like an apparition out of the 19th century. He served in six conflicts against communist guerrillas, sky-dived at the North Pole, discovered three unknown tribes and holds a doctorate in philosophy.”

The Washington Post called Wheeler a “right-wing Indiana Jones.” He is widely credited with inspiring the “Reagan Doctrine”, which called for U.S. support of freedom fighters.

“With deep ties in the military and intelligence communities, Wheeler displays an uncanny knack for getting the inside scoop on Washington intrigue, often years before other commentators catch on.”

And here’s feedback from a Member of President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council at the White House: … “I can’t imagine anything better than to read your articles. ‘The Coming Palestinian Civil War’, for example, is especially amazing and typical of your creative originality. A lot of people now claim to have forecast the Soviet downfall, but I was as much in the middle of things as anyone in public policy, and you are the only one I ever heard say it. A lot of people hoped, but you called it a fact, something I’ve broadcast across the land. Many, many thanks … Margo”

For many years, Jack Wheeler’s writings were available only through expensive conferences and high-priced newsletters. Subscribers would pay hundreds of dollars a year to learn his critical insights which would give them a vital heads-up on what would be impacting their investments or their company’s future. Now, instead of paying hundreds of dollars a year, you’ll be able to pick Jack Wheeler’s brain for only $8.99 per month.

Here’s how one of our members values To The Point™ …

“I consider my subscription to To The Point to be my best source of “on the point” information and insight. For $8.98, it is the best bargain on the planet. I am copying some of my buddies with encouragement for them to join me in the best site on the planet. Keep up the marvelous work. G.R. Bennett”


A Real Life Indiana Jones …

While Jack has often been called a “real life Indiana Jones” and was told that he was part of the mix of historical figures that Stephen Spielberg used (along with his own imagination) to create his fictional hero (the others: Howard Carter, the archaeologist who discovered King Tut’s tomb, and Roy Chapman Andrews, the discoverer of dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert) — “Jones” is cartoon fiction and Wheeler is real.

Here are some bio highlights:

  • At 12, he became the Youngest Eagle Scout in Boy Scout history, and was honored as such by President Dwight Eisenhower in the White House.
  • At 14, he climbed the Matterhorn in Switzerland.

  • At 16, he swam the Hellespont (the straits separating Europe from Asia) recreating the legend of Leander in Greek mythology.
  • At 16, he was adopted into a clan of Shuara Jivaro headhunters in the Amazon.
  • At 17, he hunted and killed a man-eating tiger responsible for the deaths of over 20 Montagnard tribespeople in the highlands of South Viet Nam.

  • At 19, he started his first company, Saigon Cinnamon International, exporting cinnamon from Vietnam.
  • His book, The Adventurer’s Guide, was described by Merv Griffin as “The definitive book for anyone wishing to lead a more adventurous and exciting life.”
  • He has three “first contacts” with tribes never before contacted by the outside world: a clan of Aushiri in the Amazon, the Wali-Ali-Fo in New Guinea, and a band of Bushmen in the Kalahari.

  • He has retraced Hannibal’s route over the Alps with elephants; led numerous expeditions in Central Asia, Tibet, Africa, the Amazon, the Sahara, Mongolia, and elsewhere, including 21 expeditions to the North Pole.

  • He is listed in The Guinness Book of World Records for the first free fall sky-dive in history at the North Pole.
  • He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Southern California, where he lectured on Aristotelian ethics.
  • In the 1980s he conducted a series of extensive visits to anti-Soviet guerrilla insurgencies in Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Laos, and Afghanistan, and to democracy movements in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, becoming an unofficial liaison between them and the Reagan White House. Based on his experiences with anti-Soviet insurgencies, he developed the strategy for dismantling the Soviet Empire adopted by the White House known as the “Reagan Doctrine. ” It worked.
  • He has traveled to over 180 countries and all seven continents, leads 2 to 3 expeditions a year, is a consultant to a number of international corporations on geopolitical strategy, and to a number of Congressional offices on issues regarding political and economic freedom throughout the world and in the United States.


Are you ready to have Jack Wheeler in your corner? Providing you with the same advice he provides United States Congressmen and International CEOs?
To get started click right HERE.


How Dr. Wheeler describes the purpose of To The Point

“For over 40 years I have been exploring our world – through every single country on the planet — getting to know the people, cultures, economies, and histories. I’ve had unique opportunities to see what is really happening in the world, to get ‘behind the lines’ – beyond what the major media claims as ‘news’. I strive to share these experiences and opportunities, and to utilize the extraordinary network of personal sources I’ve developed in scores of countries.”

“To The Point constantly intends to be both the world’s most accurate and insightful geopolitical intelligence service, and a pro-America, pro-Capitalist, pro-Western Civilization intellectual ammunition service for defenders of liberty. All our contributing authors align with these values. Our goal is for our subscribers to look upon To The Point as an oasis of reason and insight. Our subscribers are becoming the most highly-informed people in America. We hope you’ll consider becoming one of them yourself.”

Blue Skies,


We predict that once you start reading To The Point, you’ll be telling your friends … like TTPer Jack F. Nicholson writes … “I’d just like you to know that because I believe so strongly in the principles and goals to which TTP is committed, I regularly encourage my friends to read and subscribe to TTP. For special friends, I give them a gift subscription – and suggest they return the favor by gifting their special friends themselves.”

To read these in full, to read articles like this every week, we invite you to become a TTPer!
Join To The Point by clicking HERE.

Here’s how Dr. Wheeler describes the purpose of To The Point …

“For over 40 years I have been exploring our world – through over 200 countries — getting to know the people, cultures, economies, and histories. I’ve had unique opportunities to see what is really happening in the world, to get ‘behind the lines’ – beyond what the major media claims as ‘news’. I’ve long wanted to encapsulate these opportunities, and to utilize the extraordinary network of personal sources I’ve developed in scores of countries. To The Point intends to be both the world’s most accurate and insightful geopolitical intelligence service, and a pro-America, pro-Capitalist, pro-Western Civilization intellectual ammunition service for defenders of liberty. Our goal is for our subscribers to look upon To The Point as an oasis of reason and insight. Our subscribers are becoming the most highly-informed people in America. We hope you’ll consider becoming one of them yourself.”


Our Members Share About To The Point

“NOBODY provides accurate, detailed current information about politics, economics and world events like To The Point; information you simply cannot find anywhere else. NOBODY provides the same exceptional degree of informed analysis as To The Point. This website is unique.”

“I am a charter subscriber and have never regretted it. Liberty finds its full voice at To The Point; there is no finer advocate of freedom.”

“This is far and away the best conservative information and editorial content anywhere… and I do sincerely mean anywhere.”

“Keep up the good work! The best and most valuable insight around!!!”

“I tell people about TTP all the time. Recently, in a conversation where I relayed information from a TTP article, a gentleman told me I scared him because I was “too smart”. Thanks for making me look good!”


“The variety of writers is wide and varied and I’ve enjoyed it. Appreciate the depth and granularity in many articles. Of course, some weeks hot news items set the theme.”


“Jack was a guest speaker at a Fair Tax meeting in Orlando. You were so interesting that I googled you when I arrived home. Have been a Subscriber ever since.”

“I just keep encouraging people to subscribe. Have gotten short term for people hoping they would see the value in this wonderful blog.”


“My son actually recommended your site to me years ago and I’ve been a member ever since. Yes… my son (48) is a smart kid!”

“It wasn’t until Trump was elected that I realized, along with a lot of people, just how corrupt the lying swine media is. You are about the only people/site I can trust. Everything else is not to be taken seriously or with a heavy dose of skepticism. Thanks for providing an oasis of truth!” 

“It’s the only blog I would pay for. I’m as excited to read articles now as I was in 2004.”


“I was reading Dr, Jack when he wrote for strategic investment. It was natural for me to join TTP.”

“What I want is Doc Wheeler’s inside knowledge behind the news which is available nowhere else.”

“Articles informative and well written. Excellent writers.”


“There is nowhere else to get the perspective and insight available at TTP. I reference and quote the articles I read here at least weekly in conversations with friends and family members. I love the website; keep up the great work.” 

“TTP is inspirational.”


“Great newsletter – worth the reasonable monthly cost. Jack Wheeler and his ‘history stories’ (articles) have kept me a subscriber for years! They are superb! Please consider putting a collection of them into a book. 

“Thank you. Love, love, love TTP. Can’t wait for Friday and my Half-Full Report!”

“Fascinating insights into what’s going on in the world – don’t see them anywhere else. Love Jack’s history lessons!”


“I most like the more historical perspectives that provide relationship background information of current events.”


“Love the back stories and historical perspective that complement and frame current news!”

“Keep up the insightful and factual articles, especially those revealing what’s going on behind the scenes that most news media can’t or won’t publish.”

“Articles by Dr. Jack Wheeler are my first read. Great respect.”


“I strongly identify with your rare percipience, instinctive excellence, and courageous reasonableness.”


“Yours is the only site of this type (Is there really another?) I pay for. I’m glad you offer option of mo. payment; fits it into my slim budget. I am about to be 83 on August 1, and I look forward to each report. Thanks!”


“He is a real American, Thoughtful, knowledgeable and trust worthy. I like his views on the world and the role of America in it.”


“I love TTP. Jack Wheeler’s background and experience give me info and perspective on things I find interesting.”


“TTP is the only website/news source that I pay for. Keep up the great work and thank you.”


“It’s a great newsletter just as it is. There is nothing I could suggest to make it better.”


“My expectations of TTP are higher than any other current events commentary so hard to have higher expectations. Great job!”


“I would pay twice the fee to hear only about Jack’s views on history and why things are happening. I like it when Jack lets loose on why things are happening globally.”


“It’s so good to have the conservative, common sense point of view! Thanks!”


“Best information I get all week. Really look forward to Friday’s Half Full Report.”

“I always look forward to reading the To The Point articles and particularly the Half-Full Report. Even when you have bad news to report your input on the day’s events always soothes my concerns. It is great to be on a forum with like-thinking individuals.”


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