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[Note:  TTP has just received this memo, author unknown.  It is now in the hands of close advisors to POTUS, and will be soon in those of Rush, Tucker, Sean, and Mark.  Feel free to send it on.]

To: President Donald J. Trump
From: A Grateful Trump Supporter
Dear Mr. President –

I cannot thank you enough for having the courage to straightforwardly oppose the Democrats’ latest attempt at massive voter fraud – using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to destroy our electoral system with mandatory mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting:


As you are clearly aware, the single most critical issue for the November 2020 Election is Democrat Voter Fraud, with such methods as “ballot harvesting” with massive fraudulent mail-in ballots of millions of illegal aliens that enabled the Dems to flip the House in 2018.

As you say, America must have Voter ID now.  The question is how.  I would like to respectfully suggest a simple way.

*Massive voter fraud can be prevented in 2020 by implementing a US federal law, signed by President Clinton in 1996 and never challenged: The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA: ), which has this provision:

“§ 611. Voting by aliens: (a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner” 

This provision of the IIRIRA has never been fully implemented.  There is a clear legal way to implement the IIRIRA regarding the prevention of non-US citizens voting in a federal election:

*The Real ID Act, a federal law that sets forth requirements for state driver’s licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for “official purposes”, as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.  Among them are a photo of the card holder and documented proof of US citizenship or legal status in the US.

The Real ID Act – Public Law 109-13 Title II Section 201 (3) – gives carte blanche to the DHS secretary to specify an “official purpose” for which this ID is required.

As the DHS website states:

 “Starting October 1, 2020, every state and territory resident will need to present a REAL ID compliant license/ID, or another acceptable form of identification, for accessing Federal facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and boarding commercial aircraft.  This is what we call ‘card-based’ enforcement.  The card, itself, must be REAL ID compliant unless the resident is using an alternative acceptable document such as a passport.”

 The key is what constitutes an “official purpose” for which a Real ID proof of citizenship is required.  The Real ID Act – Public Law 109-13 Title II Section 201 (3) – gives this definition:

 “Official purpose. The term ‘official purpose’ includes but is not limited to accessing Federal facilities, boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft, entering nuclear power plants, and any other purposes that the Secretary shall determine.”

That is, at your direction, Mr. President, the Secretary of Homeland Security has unlimited legal authority to require “federal identification” for whatever is deemed an “official purpose.”

 Such as voting in a federal election – from which non-US citizens are prohibited per the IIRIRA.

With voting in a federal election as an official purpose under Real ID law, all those drivers’ licenses for illegals that Blue states are issuing as end runs around Real ID would be invalid for voting in November 2020.  All the ballot-harvesting and mail-in fraud ends.

*Preserving the honesty and integrity of our elections is a clear matter of national security, recognized by your predecessor and his DHS Secretary in designating the US election system as part of our nation’s critical infrastructure:

In sum, Mr. President, as a matter of national security, please reimplement the October 1, 2020 Real ID Enforcement Deadline, and specify that voting in a federal election is an official purpose of the Real ID Act, in compliance with the IIRIRA.

When challenged in federal court – this can be quickly resolved by a SCOTUS decision for federal law is undeniably on your side.  It is against federal law for non-citizens to vote in a federal election.  [Note: Since non-citizens here legally may get a Real ID card, it would be necessary to issue them a non-voting version of the card.]

*DHS Acting Secretary Wolf recently (February 20, 2020) cited both the IIRIRA and Real ID Act as his authority to expedite building sections of the Southern Border Wall:

*Speaker Pelosi attempted to federally mandate ballot harvesting nationwide in her failed stimulus bill:  Now she is making the same attempt for the second stimulus bill:

These attempts clearly expose her and the Democrats’ #1 goal of allowing the tens of millions of illegal aliens now in the US to vote in 2020.  Blue states are now giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses and registering them to vote at DMV offices. Using the Coronavirus Panic as an excuse for vastly expanding mail-in voting is part of this clear effort.

The outcome of November is simple:  If massive Democrat voter fraud is prevented, President Trump will win reelection.  If it is not, he will not.  With the latter, voter fraud will be permanently institutionalized by the Democrats as Pelosi has demonstrated, we will never have an honest election ever again, and American democracy dies.

Mr. President, I firmly believe that the future of freedom in America is at stake this November.  That your winning reelection will preserve it, that your losing reelection will doom it.  That you will win if the election is honest, that you will lose if it is fraudulent.  That it is clearly within your legal authority to prevent the massive illegal alien and mail-in voter fraud being planned by the Democrats.  That if you do not exercise this legal authority your re-election and America’s future are in grave danger.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Sir.  It is with extraordinary gratitude for all that you have done and continue to do for our country that I write this.


– A Grateful Trump Supporter
April 15, 2020
